Alzheimer's, ADHD, Autism, Brain Injury Treatment, Mood Disorders New Jersey: The NeuroCognitive and Behavioral Institute » Neurobehavioral Program Development

Neurobehavioral Program Development

Our Neurobehavioral inpatient program allows for uninterrupted rehabilitation of behavioral complicated patients. We have developed this program in free standing neurobehavioral units and traditional rehab settings without significant physical modifications to the site. As a result, facilities that have developed neurobehavioral units are now able to treat patients that previously would have been unable to receive rehabilitation services.
The essential components of the Inpatient Neurobehavioral program are outlined below:

The program is an intensive comprehensive rehab program for brain injured persons. These patients, in addition to experiencing significant cognitive and physical impairment, may also demonstrate marked and disruptive behavioral problems that significantly interfere with typical rehabilitative efforts in an open setting.

Individuals demonstrating episodic dyscontrol, problems with interpersonal behavior, and the like would be considered for admission to such a program. In addition, patients requiring one on one supervision for safety and those demonstration Rancho Los Amigos level IV agitation would be appropriate candidates.

For brain injury patients who are not experiencing prominent “behavior problems”, a relearning approach applied to standard rehab goals is used. This contributes to better outcomes through the greater efficiency involved in a formal operant learning system.

The overall concept for this unit involves implementing specific behavior learning plans which may involve behavior modification and other psychological techniques which would allow patients to engage fully in an intensive rehabilitation program on a secure unit, be progressed to continue needed rehab on a brain injury step up unit, or in the general population, or be discharged directly from the secure unit to home, outpatient brain injury rehab, or other less restrictive living environment.

To find out more about the NeuroCognitive Institute’s neurobehavioral program development services, click Contact Us.


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