Specialty Tests and Exams

At NCBI, we also offer a variety of specialty tests and exams to facilitate the differential diagnostic
process which substantially increases diagnostic accuracy.

Some of these tests and exams include:

Genetic analysis for Alzheimer disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and several other neurological disorders (Watch video!)

Cerebral Spinal Fluid Analysis (Watch video!)

Differential diagnostic specialty exams for all cognitive and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Biological Testing to assess levels of neurotransmitters as well as neuroendocrine and micronutrient laboratory testing.

Pharmacogenetics is used to determine how each patient’s genes break down and metabolize psychotropic medications allowing the prescribing clinician to avoid medications that are likely to cause side-effects and to determine when higher dosages of a medication will be required to obtain a therapeutic effect.

Dose Optimization and Efficacy Testing: Once the correct medication is identified, such as a specific stimulant, we routinely use dose optimization testing to find the optimal stimulant dose or dosages across both low and high stimulating conditions. Similarly – many of our treatments are followed by efficacy testing.

The diagnostic process can be completed in clinic or online.

The process starts with a review of medical records, psychiatric assessment, neurological and cognitive
testing, neuroimaging (resting and active brain mapping for older children), and relevant labs and genetic studies.

Common differential diagnostic questions answered via NCBI’s diagnostic evaluations:

  • Age-Related Cognitive Decline from Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) (Watch video!)
  • The various sub-types of diseases causing dementias (Watch video!)
  • Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional disorder resulting from brain injury (Watch video!)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders (Watch video!)
  • Verbal and Non-verbal Learning Disabilities (Watch video!)
  • Differentiating psychological from primary cortical disorders (Watch video!)

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