The Neurodevelopmental Disorders Diagnostic and Treatment Center

We use the most advance neurodiagnostic equipment and procedures to accurately
differentiate among neurodevelopmental disorders.

This center makes available to patients and their families the latest neuroscience advances in neurodiagnostics and treatments for patients with: ADHD, Learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia, Autism spectrum disorders, Language and communication disorders as well as intellectual disorders

Common neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosed and treated at this center include:

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and orthographic learning disabilities

Receptive and expressive language disorders

Non-verbal learning disability

Autism spectrum disorders

Intellectual disorders caused by acquired (e.g., hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy) as well as genetic disorders such as various deletion and addition genetic based disorders, Fragile X, Down, Willams, Prader-Willi and Turner syndromes

There are 3 levels of treatments for neurodevelopmental disorders

Cortical interventions manipulate neurophysiological activity in specific cortical networks using non-invasive neuromodulation enhanced cognitive remediation and/or specific medications.

Functional based cognitive rehabilitation including treatments for all the learning disabilities, speech and language therapy as well as psychological based therapies including social skills therapy. These interventions are offered both individually and in groups.

Behavioral based therapies include ABA therapy for the patients and behavioral therapy training for parents and caregivers.

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