Alzheimer's, ADHD, Autism, Brain Injury Treatment, Mood Disorders New Jersey: The NeuroCognitive and Behavioral Institute » Faith Cseh, Neurodiagnostic and Neuromodulation Technologist

Faith Cseh, Neurodiagnostic and Neuromodulation Technologist

Faith Cseh

Clinical Summary

Faith Cseh is a Neurodiagnostic and Neuromodulation Technologist at NCBI. In this role, she is responsible for performing resting and active state EEGs for electrical neuroimaging and functional brain mapping. As Neuromodulation Technologist, she is trained to administer various types of neuromodulation to help treat patients at NCBI with cognitive, neuropsychiatric, and neurobehavioral disorders.

Before joining NCBI, Faith was also a Neurodiagnostic Technologist at the Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, PA. She performed ambulatory, CLTM, video EEGs on adults, pediatrics and neonates.

Training, Academic Affiliations and Professional Activities

Faith finished Holistic Nutrition at Clayton College and is a certified and licensed R.EEG.T.

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